Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Time's a Flyin! Part 2

The first couple of days in the hospital were wonderful!  We had a beautiful baby girl, who was healthy and perfect!  She spent a little less than an hour in the NICU after her birth because she appeared to be a little "sluggish."  Because of her prematurity, the doctors wanted to monitor her for a little while to make sure she was okay.  In less than an hour, the wonderful nurses brought Harper back into the room with us and said she was great!  What a blessing!  We spent Friday and Saturday basically staring at our little angel and praising God for how blessed we are!  
September 1, 2012
1 day old
On Sunday, I was discharged from the hospital with the understanding that I could stay in the room as a  hospitality until Harper was discharged.  The doctors wanted to keep her for a couple of extra days until she got the hang of eating.  This is something that is very common in babies born just a few weeks early; they haven't fully developed the sucking reflex needed for eating. 
 That afternoon as we were feeding Harper, everything seemed to "click"!  Harper started eating and did a great job!  She got the hang of eating and WANTED to keep eating!  This was a HUGE deal, and our wonderful nurse and lactation consultant were super excited!  All of the sudden, I noticed what looked like a shadow spreading over Harper's face.  I looked at the window.  There was no change in how the sun was coming through the window.  I looked back at Harper, and the "shadow" had spread, and she had become very still. In her excitement to start eating, Harper had stopped breathing.  The nurse quickly got her moving and breathing again and decided to put her on a monitor to make sure her vitals were okay.  We thought maybe this "dusky spell" was due to her just getting too much milk too quickly resulting in her choking a bit.  So, we spent the rest of the afternoon wrestling with wires and a machine that beeped every time Harper moved the wrong way!  To say it was a bit stressful is an understatement!  That evening, we decided to ask the night staff to watch her during the night because of the beeping.  The sent her to NICU with the understanding that it would just be for the night and that they would run some tests to see what had caused the episode.  
Barry and I decided we would try to get some rest.  All I remember happening next is waking up as the nurse was telling us they had admitted Harper to the NICU.  The dusky spell had really concerned them, and they wanted to keep her there.  I don't remember much of the rest of that conversation.  The next morning, Barry filled me in on the details:  Harper was admitted to the NICU, tests were being run to to rule out causes for the dusky spell, they inserted a feeding tube in Harper's nose, and they inserted an IV port as a precautionary measure in case the she had an infection of some sort.  Barry went to see her that morning while I was getting cleaned up and and tried to prepare me for what I would see when we walked into see her for the first time.  Because she was so tiny, they had to put the IV port into a vein in her head.  That combined with the feeding tube was a bit more than I could handle at first...especially less an 72 hour after giving birth!  (I thought about inserting a picture of her at this point, but it still bothers me to look at the pictures with all the tubes!) I was on a hormone high, and the tears started flowing!  We stayed for her feeding, and then the nurse let us do "Kangaroo Care" with her before we put her back down to rest.  We went back that afternoon for her next feeding, and she had pulled the feeding tube out by herself!  She was eating so well at this point that the nurse decided it would be okay to leave it out.  The IV port also came out once the test results came back ruling out infection.  They decided the dusky spell must have been the result of her immaturity in the eating department.  
Over the course of the next few days, Harper had a few more dusky spells.  I affectionately began calling them "Blueberry Spells" because she looked like the little girl from Willie Wonka...blueberry from her head spreading down.  Our LC loved that name for it! After a few bouts under the lights to pull out the jaundice, Harper seemed to be on the up and up! 

Harper liked the "tanning bed" a little too much!  As soon as they put the
 mask on her she sprawled out and went right to sleep!

We spent a week in the NICU.  There were many ups and downs.  There were times that it seemed like for every one step forward, we were pushed two steps back.  Harper had to show two things before being discharged:  1.  She had to go 5 days without another episode, and 2. She had to stop losing weight and start gaining some back.  At her smallest, she got down to 5 lbs, 2 oz.  She was nothing but skin and bones and cheeks!  
This picture was taken on Sunday, September 9.
Harper had just been brought to our room to stay for the night!
This was the first time she had been out of NICU since the week before!
We were finally discharged on Monday, September 10.  We had an appointment with our pediatrician the next morning, and we were told we should receive the results of the second set of blood work screening they did.  The first set came back elevated, so they redrew and sent it off again.  We were told they were testing for things like Cystic Fibrosis.  We tried not to let this bother us too much, because, after all...there is no CF in my family at all.  We settled in at home with my amazing Mom there to help us for a few days.  

We went to our appointment the next morning, and we made plans to go back on a weekly basis until Harper regained her birth weight.  We also were told we would be called as soon as the screening results came back.  We received the call Friday, September 14, that Harper's 2nd screening was elevated even higher.  They were sending us to Vanderbilt for a sweat test...
When we went for the sweat test, we spent a horrible day in a little box of a room.  Harper went through the sweat test screaming, and we waited.  We waited for the results.  After what seemed like an eternity, the doctor came in to the room and told us the results were inconclusive.  Harper was too small to get enough sweat to test for CF.  The doctor gave us a lot of information about Cystic and started Harper on enzymes with instructions to come back for a weight check up in one week.  Before we left, they drew some blood so they could do genetic testing on Harper.  We were told that the longer we don't hear back about these results, probably the better.  The doc said that if Harper has one of the common strands of CF, it would show up immediately.

So we went home, and we waited.

I wish I could include a scripture at this point that helped me get through this week.  This week of waiting.  This week of "What if?"  This week of "Why?"  
The truth is, though, I was kind of numb.  I didn't want to think about the possibilities.  I didn't want to people to tell me stories of others they knew who went through these same types of tests and came out just fine.  I didn't want to see people.  I didn't want to do anything but cuddle with my 3 week old and my husband.  I didn't want to talk about any of it.  My personality is to be very optimistic in most cases.  There was a part of me that was very optimistic that Harper didn't have CF and that this was all going to blow over as a big scare.  I kept reasoning that her newborn screening came back elevated both times because she was born prematurely and was under different stresses in the NICU.  There are a number of different reasons that could have caused a false elevation in the screening.  Right?  Then reason would set in, and I realized there was a very real possibility Harper could have Cystic Fibrosis.  I so badly wanted to go back the next week and have them tell us the blood work had not come back yet.  I convinced myself that my gut feeling was that Harper didn't have the defective genes.  I was a bit of a mess that week with lots of ups and downs. 

Looking back now, there were a few things that really made an impression on me.  As I've said in a previous post, my brother reminded me of others praying for us when we didn't think we had the strength or the words to pray.  That meant and still means so much to me!  Another huge impact on my life at the time was our pediatrician.  We went back to his office for a weight check on Tuesday before going back to Vanderbilt on Wednesday.  After he finished his once over of Harper, he got to talking to us about the next day's visit to Vandy.  As he got ready to leave, he stopped at the door, looked us in the eye and said, "I'm praying for you!"  What an incredible thing to know that your daughter's doctor is a strong, Godly man who knows the importance of prayer!  I think about that often, even now, because I know he meant it!  Finally, I relied on the faith that the Holy Spirit would intercede for me in my prayers.  There have been countless times when I have broken down in tears, crying so hard I couldn't catch my breath while trying to pray.  The words just wouldn't come.  I was so exhausted - physically, mentally, and spiritually.  I'm thankful now that the uncertainty only lasted a little over a week.  

Romans 8: 26-27
26 In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; 27 and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the[j]saints according to the will of God.

**Disclaimer:  I promise my next post will be much more upbeat and positive.  I wanted to be very honest about some of the feelings I had during this time.  Thanks for taking time to read!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Time's a Flyin! Part 1

In honor of Harper turning 6 months old this week, I thought I'd spend a few posts sharing a little of what life has been like in the Throneberry household for the last few months.  

On August 29, Barry had a speaking engagement in Cleveland, TN.  So, around noon that day, we headed out thinking it was just another week.  We had made plans to stay with my wonderful in-laws that night to divide our drive back home a little.  At almost 35 weeks along in my pregnancy, I was very thankful for that decision!  The drive to Cleveland was long and quite uncomfortable.  It seemed like Harper was rolling over every hour or so right onto my bladder!  I could not get comfortable in the car at all!  We finally made it to Cleveland; Barry did a wonderful job speaking; we visited with our friends Stephen and Kaycee for a bit; and then we headed back to Middle Tennessee.  That night, I remember waking up more often than I had been...which at that point in my life meant I woke up every hour, rather than every two hours!  I decided I had just reached that point in pregnancy where I was just going to be uncomfortable from then on out.  Up to this point, I had experienced a relatively easy pregnancy.  My morning sickness was fairly mild, especially when I compared it to that of some of my closest friends and family!  I really had nothing about which to complain! 

August 30, 2010, will be a day we will always remember!  We woke up that morning and had a wonderful breakfast with Barry's parents before heading home to a pretty normal Thursday.

This was the last picture taken of us as a couple before becoming parents!
We were standing outside Barry's parents' house about to head home to our doctor's appointment! 
 We were scheduled to have an ultrasound and weekly check-up with our doctor that afternoon, and we were planning on having a quiet, relaxing weekend.  After the ultrasound where we saw our beautiful girl, we sat and joked about what it would be like if the doc said Harper was going to come early.  We had decided it would be the perfect weekend for future birthday parties because of Labor Day.  We laughed about what it would be like to call our families and tell them Harper was coming early...we thought there was NO way it would actually happen!  Let's be honest...I had had a few Braxton Hicks contractions...few and far between...but that was it!!  Or so I thought...

The doctor started asking me questions about contractions and how I was feeling and if I had experienced any unusual pain.  When I told her I hadn't felt any real contractions, she was floored!  Apparently, I was dilated to a 5...half way to where I needed to be to deliver!  Wait, what!??!!  With strict instructions to not make any stops between the doctor's office and the hospital, Barry and I headed to the ER.  My doctor wanted to admit me for observation with the understanding that if the baby did not come that night I would be on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy.  

Unsure of how to feel/what to think at this point, we arrived at the hospital and got settled into the room we would be in for the night.  My wonderful husband pulled me into a hug and said a prayer for us before the nurse returned, and we waited...  As we started watching the machines, I realized I had probably been having contractions since the day before!  All those times I thought Harper was punching my bladder...the pain in the middle of the night...all contractions!  They just didn't feel like my abdomen was contracting because I had too much fluid!  As soon as the doctor finished with her scheduled patients that afternoon, she came to the hospital and gave us the news: HARPER WAS GOING TO BE AN AUGUST BABY!  She told us that, based on the amount of fluid I had, the fact that Harper had not dropped at all, some of the monitor readings each time I had a contraction, and the fact that I was already dilated to 5 cm, she was worried that if we went home and waited, something much worse that a possible NICU stay could happen.  

Pitocin was started and phone calls were made.  We were having a baby!  After only about an hour and a half, I had progressed to a 7!  I was feeling pretty good at this point.  I really wanted to go without an epidural.  (My original plan was no epidural unless for some reason labor needed to be induced and pitocin was changer!)  I was up walking and visiting with my mom and husband; we watched some football; and we laughed...a lot!  Every hour or so, our sweet nurse came in and checked on me and pushed a few buttons to increase the pitocin.  Eventually, the contractions started becoming more uncomfortable.  Not so painful that I couldn't handle it though.  Honestly, the most pain I felt for a long time was the penicillin that was pumped into my arm every 4 hours!  It felt like my arm was on fire!  

There was a slight problem...the pitocin was increased to the highest possible level, contractions were coming so quickly I couldn't catch my breath, it was 3:30 AM, and I was still stuck at a 7!  I realized I would be receiving another round of fire in my arm and was feeling really dejected because of the lack of progress at the point.  I had been awake for almost 20 hours with very little sleep before then, and I was exhausted.  With a tear rolling down my face, I decided it was time for an epidural.  I don't know who was more shocked:  my sweet husband or our wonderful nurse.  Both were very sweet to ask me if I was sure this was what I wanted.  As much as I wanted to continue without, at this point, I knew I needed sleep more that the ability to say that I did it all naturally!  I also knew that with exhaustion setting in, it would be much more difficult to handle the pain of the rapidly coming contractions combined with another round of penicillin in my arm.  Within 30 minutes of receiving the epidural, I was able to fall asleep!  Glorious Sleep!  

Around 6:30 am, the doctor came in to check on my progress.  I think at this point, I may have progressed to an 8, but the doctor was getting worried that Harper wasn't here yet and decided that we would have to have a Ceserean if something didn't happen quickly.  She gave us until 8:00 AM...Harper must have been really listening, because when the doctor came back at 8:00, we were ready to go!  By 8:21 AM, Harper had made her grand entrance!  
Harper Elizabeth
5 lbs 14 oz, 18.5 in 
To say she changed our plans would be an understatement!  We thought we had a few more weeks of planning before we entered the world of parenthood.  We thought we would have time for a mini-vacation as a family of 2 before Harper came.  I even had a haircut and a mani/pedi scheduled for a few days before Harper's due date.  We had plans.  You know what the awesome thing is?  As scary as it was to have Harper come before she was really finished cooking, looking into her eyes 5 weeks early was such a beautiful treat!  We were blessed with 5 extra weeks of loving on our incredible baby girl!  

This sudden change in MY plans got me to thinking...sometimes we are so busy making our own plans of what our lives are going to be like, that we forget to look for the blessings God has planned for us!  I may not always understand the path on which He leads me.  Sometimes I will have to endure pain.  Sometimes I will not get my way.  What a great thing it is know know that if I continue to follow His will for my life, the blessings of His eternal reward for me will outshine anything I could imagine for myself!  

Luke 1:46-55

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

The Magnificat

46 And Mary said:
My soul [a]exalts the Lord,
47 And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
48 “For He has had regard for the humble state of His [b]bondslave;
For behold, from this time on all generations will count me blessed.
49 “For the Mighty One has done great things for me;
And holy is His name.
50 And His mercy is [c]upon generation after generation
Toward those who fear Him.
51 He has done [d]mighty deeds with His arm;
He has scattered those who were proud in the [e]thoughts of their heart.
52 “He has brought down rulers from their thrones,
And has exalted those who were humble.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things;
And sent away the rich empty-handed.
54 “He has given help to Israel His servant,
[f]In remembrance of His mercy,
55 As He spoke to our fathers,
To Abraham and his [g]descendants forever.”

I've included the Magnificat from Luke chapter 1.  I'm not trying to compare myself to Mary in any way; rather, I'm borrowing her words of praise to the Lord.  At a time when Mary's life was being turned upside down in many ways, she set the example to praise the Lord for all He does for us! In the future, I pray that I can follow her example more often in my life!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Because He Lives

A while back, my brother called me and said he wanted to pass on a couple of things to remember on harder days.  First, he wanted me to take a look at the lyrics of the song, "Because He Lives."  The lyrics are as follows: 

God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus;

He came to love, heal and forgive;

He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives! 

How sweet to hold a newborn baby,

And feel the pride and joy he gives;

But greater still the calm assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives! 

And then one day, I'll cross the river,

I'll fight life's final war with pain;

And then, as death gives way to vict'ry,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives! 


Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,

Because He lives, all fear is gone;

Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!

Josh wanted me to look carefully at the second verse.  At a time when we were uncertain about Harper's future, reading those lyrics meant the world to me.  I still regularly think about the words to this song.  Harper will have many uncertain days in her future on this earth.  As her mom, it is extremely calming to know that, because of Jesus's sacrifice, she can face all of the uncertainty and look forward to a future in Heaven with no pain or sickness.
What's even greater than just the second verse is the meaning of the whole song.  We can face the world and everything in the world "because HE LIVES!!"  I don't know about you, but I am so excited about the time when all the suffering and pain in the world will lose to a greater victory than any of us can imagine!  God's blessings and final reward for us will be more amazing and more beautiful than our wildest dreams.  All because He loves us that much!  
The second thing Josh wanted me remember on hard days is something that someone told him when his girls were in NICU for so long.  He said to always remember that others are praying.  On days when I feel like I can't pray anymore or I don't know what to say; someone else is saying that prayer for me.  He told me there would be days where I would be so exhausted that I wouldn't have the energy or the words to pray.  Someone else would be there praying for me.  
In his infinite wisdom and love for us, God set up a beautiful way for us to help each other.  He set up a way for us to bless each other.  The most important thing we can do for each other is to pray.  As someone who has been blessed beyond imagine by other's prayers for my family, I am so glad God gave us the avenue of prayer!  I am thankful God gave us a HUGE Christian family and tells us to "bear one another's burdens."  I don't know that I will ever be able to give back as much as I have been blessed by others' prayers and concern for my family.  I do know this:  I will try every day to pay those blessings forward!  I will be working hard to pray for others, especially when they are so uncertain of their future that they don't know what to say in their own prayers.  
While we are striving for the rewards of eternity, God still blesses us richly on this earth.  Even on the toughest of days, we have the certainty of an amazing future, and we have the beautiful blessing of prayer!  What a loving and wise God we serve!  

Friday, February 8, 2013

My God is So Big!

My God is so BIG, 
and so MIGHTY!
There's NOTHING my God cannot Do!

    These are the words to one of my favorite children's VBS songs.  I've sung this song countless times, both as a child growing up and as an adult teaching a toddler class or helping with children's functions at church.  What a simple, yet amazing concept to teach our children!  Unfortunately, I often found myself singing the words to the song without really taking them into account in my life.
    Lately, however, the words to this song have been very important in my life.  You see, during our family Christmas, we had a devotional.  We sang a combination of devotional and children's songs, and my almost 3 year old nephew asked if we could sing this song.  As I held my baby girl and sang, tears all the sudden started filling my eyes.  My daughter, who was born 5 weeks early, was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at 3 weeks old.  Because of her health condition and cold and flu season hitting hard this year, she and I have been unable to attend worship with our church family.  As my daughter listened to congregational singing for the first time in her life, I realized just how BIG my God actually is!  He blessed my husband and me with a family who prays fervently for us.  He blessed us with a church family who stepped in when Harper's medical bills seemed to be a bigger mountain than we could handle.  He blessed us with a beautiful baby girl whose smile could make even the toughest heart melt into a pile of goo!  He blessed us with the responsibility of caring for a sick daughter.  
    Since Christmas, this is usually the first song I sing to my daughter when she starts fussing during her Respiratory Therapy. She often looks me in the eye and stops fussing as I sing this song.  Sometimes, she even "sings" with me!  What a way to lift my spirits when I'm angry or sad about Harper's CF!   
     As I look at the world around me, I see many big issues to face.  I see families struggling with the loss of loved ones.  I see individuals facing cancer as their families watch with breaking hearts.  I see Satan tearing society apart with his games.  As horrible as all of these things are, I see a GOD WHO IS BIGGER! For me, right now, that is all I need to know...God is Bigger than my struggles.  It is so comforting to know that God's love and grace and mercy are much bigger than anything I can imagine facing.  On days when I feel too small to handle the pressures that seem so large, I just have to remember that my God is bigger!  On days when it seems like the dark clouds of the world are growing larger and larger, I just have to remember that God is Bigger!  His strength is sufficient.  The God who created the mountains and the oceans is the God who is watching over me. What an awesome reminder!
      From now on, I want to strive to follow the wise words of a bumper sticker I saw a while back:  "Rather than telling God how big your problems are; tell your problems how big your God is!"  When I remember that, it makes everything else seem so small!  I'm thankful that I serve such a Strong and Mighty God!