My daughter wakes up in the mornings with a smile on her face and a song on her lips.
Many mornings when I open the door to her room, I am greeted with the sweetest smile and "Hi!" you can imagine! My heart melts every single morning! I am so blessed to be her mommy!!
The next few minutes go something like this:
I love on her while singing a silly "Good Morning" song.
I change her diaper.
We grab her blanky and head for the living room to start her morning therapy.
From here on out, it is all about daddy!
When we reach the hallway, she starts looking for him and calling for him. At first, it is a hushed, yet very excited, "Dada!" Then her calls get louder and louder until she is yelling, "Dada! Dada! Dada!" at the top of her lungs! She eagerly searches each room we pass trying to find him. On school mornings, this searching lasts until he comes through the front door after his freshman Bible classes. As soon as she sees him, she squeals with delight and runs to his open arms as quickly as she can. He scoops her up and loves on her as though it has been weeks since he saw her last. If I could capture this on film, the caption would read, "Be still my heart!"It is impossible for me to contain my proud smile each time I see this exchange take place!
There is no doubt about it, this precious girl loves her daddy!
This weekend, as I watched my baby girl start the days searching for her father, I was riddled with shame.
How often do I begin my day searching for my Heavenly Father?
How often do I begin my day flipping on the TV to get caught up on sports or politics?
How often do I pick up my latest novel or browse social media with my coffee, rather than seeking the guidance of God's word as I start my day?
I should be eagerly searching for my Father each moment of every day the way a child searches for her "dada" when he is not around.
I should be searching the words of my Father for guidance the way a child looks to his dad when he is unsure of how to handle a situation.
What is your plan for actively seeking the Father?
Many mornings when I open the door to her room, I am greeted with the sweetest smile and "Hi!" you can imagine! My heart melts every single morning! I am so blessed to be her mommy!!
The next few minutes go something like this:
I love on her while singing a silly "Good Morning" song.
I change her diaper.
We grab her blanky and head for the living room to start her morning therapy.
From here on out, it is all about daddy!
When we reach the hallway, she starts looking for him and calling for him. At first, it is a hushed, yet very excited, "Dada!" Then her calls get louder and louder until she is yelling, "Dada! Dada! Dada!" at the top of her lungs! She eagerly searches each room we pass trying to find him. On school mornings, this searching lasts until he comes through the front door after his freshman Bible classes. As soon as she sees him, she squeals with delight and runs to his open arms as quickly as she can. He scoops her up and loves on her as though it has been weeks since he saw her last. If I could capture this on film, the caption would read, "Be still my heart!"It is impossible for me to contain my proud smile each time I see this exchange take place!
There is no doubt about it, this precious girl loves her daddy!
This weekend, as I watched my baby girl start the days searching for her father, I was riddled with shame.
How often do I begin my day searching for my Heavenly Father?
How often do I begin my day flipping on the TV to get caught up on sports or politics?
How often do I pick up my latest novel or browse social media with my coffee, rather than seeking the guidance of God's word as I start my day?
Luke 18: 16-17 "But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”
Matthew 18:1-4"At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."What a beautiful example my baby girl sets for me!
I should be eagerly searching for my Father each moment of every day the way a child searches for her "dada" when he is not around.
I should be searching the words of my Father for guidance the way a child looks to his dad when he is unsure of how to handle a situation.
Matthew 7: 7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."If I want my reward to be the kingdom of Heaven, I must actively seek the Father!
My Action Plan:
Wake up a few minutes earlier in order to complete my Bible Study before Harper wakes up. This will enable me to have silent meditation time at the start of the day, rather than waiting and risking not "finding" time.
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